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This week, people of all classes, colors and faiths stood together and watched in awe as millions participated in Democracy to elect the next President of the United States.

  • How is this important to modern aquaculture today?
  • What will this mean for the Blue Revolution?
  • What will the impact of a new US President mean for “Going Green”?

Millions of “Green Jobs” Will Boost the World Economy

Green Economy Growth Change is Vital

Green Economy Growth Change is Vital

Island Bounty is dedicated to watching world trends closely. President Elect Obama stated his top priority is “…a building a low-carbon, clean-energy economy” once he gets to the White House.  He has pledged to create 5 million green jobs!

It’s exciting to know that another World Leader is behind the vital mission to infuse the global economy, to cut greenhouse gas emissions, and pledges to encourage the Going Green momentum.

Island Bounty has always stood by these ideals. We passionately support this commitment. It’s long past time for a sincere Green Revolution.

Is a Green Revolution really possible OR is that just an unrealistic dream?

The truth is, “going green” and making good on that promise will not be a easy. According CNN, there is “Big Business” opposition forecasting negativity for the word wide effort to save and protect the Planet. Another argument is “…tackling the climate crisis will result in a net loss of work opportunities for America.”

Great Hopes for Clean Energy, Sustainable Seafood, Modern Aquaculture, and “Going Green”

Clean Energy offers real solutions for Going Green

Clean Energy offers real solutions for Going Green

There are many other reports that give us great hope that going green is not just a dream, but is a viable reality.

“A new report released today shows that the U.S. can create two million jobs by investing in a rapid green economic recovery program, which will strengthen the economy, increase energy independence, and fight global warming.”
– Political Economy Research Institute

At Island Bounty, SA – we will continue to put forth sound proposals to spur “green economy” growth. We will continue to support economic progress and ecological integrity, not just in the US, but worldwide!

  • We pledge to continue to connect the people that need and want to work in the field of progressive, modern aquaculture.
  • We pledge to never give up on the future of environmental sustainability, the production of  “green,” clean, disease-free seafood to feed the world in a great time of need.

The Future of Aquaculture: Examples of Ethical Issues

Fish Farming and Related Issues

Island Bounty, SA

Island Bounty, SA

Without a doubt the aquaculture industry is going to be effected by many different complex trends over the coming years, all operating together, sometimes in very unexpected ways and producing changes in the industry that may be very rapid indeed.

The ability of the aquaculture industry to foresee and react to these trends and changes is of vital importance to the future development and success of the sector.

Island Bounty understands the mega trends already in place, and is positioned to become the industry leader.

Island Bounty S.A. - Global Aquaculture Investment Leaders